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Game & Hunters

Ralf Kettel +49 (0) 6571 / 6902-940

Game from the homeland – natural, healthy and sustainable

Organic, species-appropriate and regional – our game meat fulfils all these promises.

The game comes from local hunting grounds, mainly from the forests of the Eifel and Hunsrück as well as the low mountain ranges of neighbouring countries. It lives freely and feeds only on what nature provides it with in its natural annual cycle. Due to the natural growth of the animal, the meat tastes aromatic and intense.

Hunting is a passion that has occupied our family for several generations. Through hunting, the hunter makes an active contribution to the preservation of the Eifel-Mosel-Hunsrück natural area, is involved in active conservation and helps farmers to avoid damage to the land.

For this reason, we have also been involved in the game meat sector since 1991, in addition to our traditional pork business.

For this purpose, an EU-approved game cutting plant was opened on the company’s premises in 2002, independently and separately from the rest of the production. This enables us to take the game we kill from the hunters in our region promptly, freshly and without long journeys. This protects the environment and ensures the quality of our game products.

Hunters have the opportunity to deliver their hunted game themselves on all days of the week, including weekends. The game is then received professionally, cooled and cut into pieces and packaged on our premises. Our company has an annual capacity of about 5,000 pieces of game in this area.

Der Standort auf unserem Firmengelände stellt zudem sicher, dass unsere Wildprodukte von der Anlieferung bis hin zum finalen Produkt lückenlos von amtlichen Veterinären koThe location on our company premises also ensures that our game products are fully inspected by official veterinarians from delivery to the final product, guaranteeing not only the quality of our products but also their safety and traceability.

SIMON-Fleisch supplies venison both to meat processing companies, which use the meat to produce a wide range of game products, and to wholesalers and food retailers. The venison is processed according to customer requirements, and our product range extends from roughly cut bone-in cuts to ready-cut boneless goods in vacuum packaging.

Our delivery times

» Monday to Friday from 08:00-12:00 hrs.
» Saturday from 13:00-18:00 hrs.
» Sunday from 09:00-18:00 hrs.
» For larger game deliveries (more than 5 animals), a delivery appointment must always be arranged in advance.
» The game processing plant is closed during the closed season (01.02. to 30.04.).